Belinda H. reviewed Qualia Probiotic+
I'm just finishing round one and I have a good feeling about this product. It's going good so far with no negative side effects that I can tell. I'm hopeful that it's going to help improve my quality of life as I creep towards the second half.
Excellent BMs
This certainly helped my digestion, keeping me regular with easy BMs. I really like that it has several fermented ingredients, good starches and fibers, along with digestive enzymes and probiotics. It even has postbiotics, which I had yet to experiment with. It really covers all the bases when it...
Not Sure
I'm honestly not sure how this product worked for me. I did not see major improvements in my digestion, the same problem foods are still giving me problems, but maybe a little less bloating after meals overall?
I've only taken the first two days, and in two days it'll be a full month where I'm looking forward to the next two-day protocol. This has promise for me, and my body needs all the help it can get. Because my body has had a lot of trauma to over my 54 years, I looking forward to its cumulative ...