Amanda R. reviewed Qualia Night | Beta Tester
I liked this product. I noticed that throughout the week I was taking it I tended to stay asleep through the entire night instead of waking up every couple of hours. However, I also noticed I was pretty groggy in the mornings.
Trusted company
Neurohacker is probably the only supplement company that I truly trust.
The Sleep I've Been Waiting For
I have the deepest, most relaxing sleep and I found that I didn't wake up frequently throughout the night (which is not typical for me). In the mornings I find myself feeling so refreshed without any trace of drowsiness! I love the fact that there is no melatonin in Qualia Night.
fell asleep early, woke up refreshed
i love that its clean and great quality. no bad taste or after taste. really works! i fell asleep 30 minutes early the first night. Oura sleep scores were great, but typical... i didn't see improved deep sleep or HRV during this trial. woke up in the middle of the night some, but still felt ...
Magic Bedtime Routine
Since day one of taking Qualia Night I’ve felt a difference on my energy levels. I have been sleeping less hours but I wake up well rested. I have a tendency to clench my jaw at night and I believe I have not being doing it since my jaw doesn’t feel locked in the morning.