Meg M. reviewed Qualia Focus
I love this stuff! It's changed my life in the best way possible. I couldn't imagine being a middle school teacher without it. It makes me feel like I'm more myself.
I have been under a huge amount of mental stress lately, and Focus has made my work days better and helped to me to stay more focused and on track.
I didn’t notice much difference at first. For me, I have almost noticed a cumulative effect. It seems like the longer I take it the more it helps me. I’ve been under a lot of mental stress lately, and I’ve had a hard time staying focused and motivated at work. It seems to help me to stay on task ...
This is an amazing product!
I first ordered Focus not knowing, but hoping it would help me stay sharp for hours at a time, when I plan and write courses that I teach. I was not disappointed! Anytime I have important projects to work on I take two capsules and can plan on having sharp, focused, mental energy for many hours o...
First try of Focus is promising
First of all I reflexively took it first thing in the morning with water, that is, not with breakfast. I immediately felt better, as you write, clarity, memory and drive. And, I wonder how much the caffeine in it has to do with that because I am not a caffeine drinker. Another mistake I made was ...
Productive Life here I come
I saw many nootropic reviews. Neurohacker the only one that I saw that did what they advertise and has no negative side effects. First month here I come and cheers to a productive lifestyle and God Bless.