Thomas V. reviewed Qualia Mind

about 4 years ago

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Raúl H. March 3, 2023

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Just received the product. First day using it. So far feeling more focus. Let see how it goes through the day.

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Arthur L. May 25, 2023

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Lin W. January 19, 2024

Actually feel the difference

Recommended serving size is 7 pills but personally I only take 2 and I feel the improvement. My mind feels clearer and I can articulate thoughts and speech better.

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Michael H. November 13, 2022

Has worked great for years!

Been using various iterations of Qualia for the past five years now and it has made a marked improvement in my motivation, mood, and coping ability. I'd used nootropics prior, but the convenience and blend make this product worth it to me. Would definitely recommend trying it if you're curious!

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