Mirnesa H. reviewed Qualia Mind
I’ve just recently started taking Qualia Mind and so far I like the way it makes me feel, looking forward to seeing the results as time progresses.
Great name for the study.
I very much enjoyed being part of this study. The Qualia Mind product combined with the regular Balanced Runner lessons had a notably positive impact on various aspects of my running - the ease and fluidity and power I felt in my daily runs. I did not notice any negative effects from the product...
It works!
I've been working 12 hour days with a 2 hours of commute. Since I've started taking Qualia Mind my stress has went down and my attitude and attention are through better than ever.
Incredible Focus
Works well for me. I take the supplement, go on about my day, and I only realize how DIALED IN I am in the midst of doing my work. Before I know it, I'm done for the day, AND I have extra time and energy to do other things I enjoy. Thank you! 🙏