Tabatha J. reviewed Qualia Mind Energy Shot (Legacy)
Tried for the first time today, about 3 hrs ago after a night with only 4 hrs sleep. No jitters, no upset stomach like the usual large amounts of coffee I drink give. Seems subtle however I feel really good! Alert, in a good mood, feel like a got a good nights sleep! Tastes like childs grape cough medicine. These were a discounted add on to my order, will order again if the discount is extended with my next order. Thank you!
morning brain fog
the quail nootropic energy shots allow me to start my day right after waking up, and with my schedule, i don't have time to pidder patter. these energy shots changed my mornings forever
Natural Energy and Focus
Unbelievable clarity, focus and energy with no anxiety or jitters
5 day try
I felt good clean energy, low appetite and no bad effects opposed to the Quaila that made me alternate between irritability and tiredness