Lisa B. reviewed Qualia Mind | Beta Tester
This supplement designed to support energy, motivation, and focus is truly a game changer for me. I was a little bit sad on the weekends when I didn’t get to take the product (cycling 5:2) but I also felt that there was a cumulative effect over time where I just feel more energetic and positive every day. I definitely prefer to take these any day rather than not. My husband also started, began taking them at my insistence, and loves the way they make him feel as well. I like to take mine in the late morning/early afternoon and I feel great for pickleball in the evenings!
Qualia Works
Able to focus more for longer periods of time. Definitely one of the best nootropic supplements.
Great Product
They recommend continued use for 2 months to really feel the full effect of the product. I've been using it for 3 weeks now and have started to see and feel noticeable changes in my mental acuity. I've seen and felt enough to continue paying the premium price. I cannot wait to see the effects aft...
Better Clarity, Focus, Reflexes
Clarity and focus are improved but the most surprising benefit to me was better hand-eye coordination and faster reflexes.
Qualia Mindfulness!
I've tried Qualia Mind for over a month now and have noticed sharpened mental acuity and a clarity of thought when making decisions that sometimes would previously take alot of time or completely stump me...also of note, I'm winning at board games far more often and the Dad jokes are flowing like...