Daniel M. reviewed Qualia Focus
I've explored a number of nootropic supplements, and I have to say that Qualia Focus is a happy place. While it's effects are certainly potent and noticeable, it does not overwhelm or impede upon performance through its potency. I feel the dosages are just right. the balance of ginseng, gingko, l-theanine, and caffeine are a win.
Extremely helpful in focusing when I lack sleep or need extra help
I love this product! On days when I need extra focus (caffeine isn't enough), this comes in so clutch. I typically use it for specially before important meetings or when I need deep focus.
Mid Trial Review
I take this with breakfast in the morning and have noticed a slight increase in my ability to focus since taking this product. I drink two cups of coffee every day and haven't noticed any increased jitters or anything due to taking this, no downsides at all really, I may be having some light hear...
Actually works
This product actually works! I get to spend quality time on my work and focus on things I want to.