Meelod S. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 2 years ago

Quality product, tremendous benefits

Qualia Mind is great for entrepreneurs who like to get up early in the day and be productive until midnight. The energy provided allows for all-day drive and can keep you up late. In regards to synaptic changes when pairing the right dose with neuroplasticity-enhancing activities habits can change quickly.

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Joanne W. May 25, 2023

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I am not able to leave a full review yet as i have not been on product long enough.

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J B. January 7, 2022

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Jonathan m. October 25, 2021

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Jack p. July 13, 2021

oh my freaking wow

should deserve 9 out of 10 stars because 10 would be pure bliss... and this product is anything but ignorant! Huge bottle, 154 capsules and i only need 3 each morning, wow!! thats a game changer and ive tried "Formula" "Dopamine natural stacks" "F'ing Focus" this is top notch compared to these!!!

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