Vanessa C. reviewed Qualia Mind

about 3 years ago

Renewed clarity and general feeling of joy

I was a bit nervous about taking qual the first time not sure how my body would respond. But I've been unbelievably excited about the product so far. I found it five capsules seems to be a sweet spot for me. I just feel much more focused a slight euphoric feeling and although I'm in the early stages of taking the product I feel like my memory is improving and brain fog is lifting. - I was also concerned that on the days off of the product that I might feel exhausted or even a bit hung over but that was not the case I generally just feel a sense of the more peaceful calm mine on the days off of the poly mine protocol.

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Taking Qualia has been amazing! If you can imagine your Clark Joseph Kent🧐 take a dose of Qualia like directed,next what? ” It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Superman! Thats basically the feeling i get from Qualia, I become superman. Thanks for the quailty of your product 👌

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