Tara B. reviewed Qualia Night
Qualia Night has been a complimentary formula that doesn't give me a sleep hangover but feels like it is gently rocking my system into a place of much needed rest and regeneration....
Qualia Night
I think this product helps. I tracked my sleep with and without it, seems like I spend about ~10% longer in deep sleep than without it. I don't take it like melatonin (right before bed), more like a dinner vitamin.
Best Sleep
My fit bit stats are showing improved deep and REM since using this product.
Sleep deeper!
4 pills was way too many for me. made me feel laggy and couldn't never get in the groove. Switched to 2 pills and it was perfect. Got great sleep and woke up energized
My husband likes it & he’s like Mikey, he doesn’t like anything!
The title of this review is a joke for the older crowd. :) But what it means is that my husband will take the healthy stuff I give him and say “yeah I feel something”. But with this product we both feel tired at the time we are supposed to go to bed (as opposed to 2am when we LIKE to go to bed b...