Danette B. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
Have felt less creaks and crackling of joints over the time using the product
Immediate improvement in clarity.
The science behind this senolytic is absolutely sound, so I am looking forward to effects as they become apparent. Immediate response includes increased clarity and focus. Packaging allowed for easy dosing, and directions were clear.
I definitely feel different. I am going to keep trying this monthly to see how the effects stack up. So far, impressed.
This is a most effective product
I have tried hundreds of supplements over the years. I game only done one round of Senolytics and it was a noticeable change feeling better. Then I added the “Mind” formula. My brain function and brain fog is so much better. I think good research and quality ingredients made a huge difference wi...
Super Stoked!
I just received my Qualia Synolytic yesterday. Just started my 2 day dose. I am a 62 y/o female and would like to keep as youthful as possible so that I can enjoy an active life.