Dana S. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester
I say excellent overall experience because I was motivated to work more in the evening. I prefer working to watching TV - usually I watch TV. Literally more mental energy. If this is a placebo, oh well (!).
Phenomenal Results!
From the 3rd day of taking Focus with weekend breaks, I definitely noticed more mental clarity! I am able to find solutions at a faster rate than before. A side effect was more energy so that is a big PLUS!!!! Huge fan and will definitely recommend to my co workers! Doctors and nurses should all ...
Good Product
Great alternative to traditional stimulants that powers the mind and wakes me up in the morning.
Feel good, I already take mushroom complex, cbd and CBg with aswaganda and cardamom, tart Cherry, turmeric and ginger, so I think I would need more that 2 capsules to really feel anything, I also smoke ms eat a lot of marijuana and when I can get my hands on Psilocybin I will microdose
Mid Trial Review
I take this with breakfast in the morning and have noticed a slight increase in my ability to focus since taking this product. I drink two cups of coffee every day and haven't noticed any increased jitters or anything due to taking this, no downsides at all really, I may be having some light hear...