Benton B. reviewed Qualia Mind
I'm used to buying supplements taking to to see no noticeable effects, but Qualia Mind has opened my mind to the profound effects nootropic supplements can have. The second night after I started taking Qualia Mind I had a moment of feeling an unusually bright sense of positive emotion, that it seems my brain hadn't had access to previously. I've wondered if this was a result of Qualia Mind up regulating neurotransmitters that had previous been out-of-sorts. Good brain juice. 10/10 would recommend.
Great product for focus and productivity!
I found myself with higher energy, better focus, and more motivation while taking this. My ability to focus and problem solve was noticeably increased and I found I was much more productive at work. I also think it improved my overall mood and I found myself enjoying my time outside of work a lot...
High Quality Performance
Helps me stay sharp from 5am all the way through 6pm. Kickass at work and with personal matters. Focus and memory enhanced to a very appreciable level!