Craig B. reviewed Qualia Mind
I wasn't expecting anything from this product other than that it should offer something considering the price. I was wrong. I have not only noticed a definite change in my cognition and the lack of brain fog to a degree; but I have noticed a difference in the way I think about certain things. It's as if I'm more laid back and don't let some things get to me as they did before.....laid back with a faster, clearer brain. How cool is that?
1st time taking Qualia Night
5 days on 2 days off. 1st night I was restless more than if I was not taking it. Nights 2-5 are totally different. Peaceful sleep so much so I wake up with a dead arm on occasion as I am a side sleeper. My wife found the most benefit. She is a terrible sleeper waking many times in the night. To h...
Truly Above the Rest
This product is truly one of a kind and really works. I use it for when I really need a mental and even emotional boost. It gives me drive and makes work easier! It also gives me this mental clarity that I’ve never experienced before. I made more meaningful mental connections and felt that I wrot...