Reid Y. reviewed Qualia Mind
One of the more subtle claims of this product is that it completes the “trifecta” of healthy habits. I.e. regular sleep, healthy diet, and supplements. With out the first two habits, the use of Qualia will reach its highest potential. For this reason, I think it safe to assume that by making the commitment to Qualia, one is faced with improving their cognitive functioning as well as their actionable daily habits. If used correctly, this can change your everyday life.
So far, I like the results
I am still very new to this product but so far I am impressed.
Great brain enhancement
This product although is expensive you won’t find another nootropic stack conveniently made for you works great but give it time!
Great product
This is a great product with great performance. I love it, however, as a college student dishing out 100$ + every month can get pretty steep especially with all of my other bills. I guess that's the price you pay for the best. Maybe it will go down as the company gets larger and buyers increase, ...
"Soft" focus and clarity
Hidden connections between things that were formerly lurking just under the surface of my conscious awareness come to the fore more readily, without any effort. Like a very smooth cup of coffee without jitters, combined with a gentle "big picture" awareness.