Westley A. reviewed Qualia Probiotic+ | Beta Tester
It's only been 4 days of using the product, but I already notice a distinct improvement of digestive issues. I've become more regular since two days in, and I would say the bloating that I typically experience, particularly after a large meal, is down by at least 40% if I had to estimate a metric for it.
Excellent BMs
This certainly helped my digestion, keeping me regular with easy BMs. I really like that it has several fermented ingredients, good starches and fibers, along with digestive enzymes and probiotics. It even has postbiotics, which I had yet to experiment with. It really covers all the bases when it...
Feeling strong after a week of use!
Having some undiagnosable Gi issues for 4 months, I noticed and effect from this product after just a few days of use. Ten days in I have gained some weight back and able to workout harder and more frequently, lessoning GI symptoms, and overall improved mood and energy.
The perfect "all-in-one" gut health product
The perfect "all-in-one" gut health product. I had been using a prebiotic, a probiotic, and a digestive enzyme. Synbiotic is working better for me than the three stand-alone products...and is more convenient! Having read the Qualia blog on Synbiotic - I see why this is so effective. Not only...
Less bloating and easier to digest food
I did notice a difference after I took this for about 2 weeks. Less bloating and gas and overall felt like I could digest food better and actually felt less hungry. I mixed it in my smoothie every morning. Great product. I like the scoop that comes with the packaging and the clean ingredien...