KHALID P. reviewed Qualia Mind
I have tried different Nootropics products for 25 years. I started using Qualia Mind on a Friday. The next day I woke up and thought I should go somewhere fun. I remembered a play that was being performed by some folks who had repeatedly invited me to their shows. I had not remembered their show dates for three years. I finally remembered and went. Then other things started coming to mind. So far this is the best Nootropic product for me.
At the very least, my dreams are fantastic.
It's hard to say exactly how much it's helping me. I think that there's definitely an improvement with certain functions. As an ENTP, I was hoping for it to have more of an effect on motivation and focus... but I think I just have to accept the fact that my mind is going to wander. I'm beginning...
Qualia Mind is legit
I have been taking it for 3 weeks and I am clear in my thinking and fast on my responses. It has helped me increase my workload. You definitely feel the boost! I'm still new but it's good stuff.