
Jake S. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
Vastly improved deep sleep - measure with Oura. 50-100% improvement in deep sleep minutes per night
Maeve M. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
The morning after the first night I took the capsules I woke up feeling so much more well rested than usual. My brain felt more alert and I definitely had higher energy. The rest of the nights following I definitely got much better sleep as well.
Justice R. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I typically have trouble falling alders and staying asleep (very restless rolling around sleep) but once I started taking this Iā€™ve notice significant improvements In both problems. The only downside is Iā€™ve been more drowsy that usual the next day.
Amanda L. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I was calmer and more relaxed while taking Qualia Sleep. I found it easier to wind down at bedtime. I also noticed a couple more surprising effects. After the first dose I found everything funny & it seemed that some of those ingredients may have been aphrodisiacs. After some digging, I found that my assumption was correct. Lol
Christopher C. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I found the Qualia Night formula put my body and mind in a relaxed state that did not diminish my cognitive function. I was still able to engage in meaningful conversations and think clearly while in the relaxed state. The sleep I experienced while using Qualia Night seemed deeply rejuvenating. My ability to recall my dreams was enhanced and I woke up refreshed and ready to go. This last part contrasts to when Iā€™ve taken sedative sleep aid and would wake up groggy. This formula works great fo...Read more.
Faith S. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
This is only day 1, but I was eager to share my experience after ONLY one day. I assumed the product would need to get into your system and require a few days to do so, but I noticed better sleep after day 1. I find it interesting that there really isnā€™t any sedating effects as stated on the bottle; however, somehow I entered into a very deep sleep and didnā€™t get up my usual 4+ times to use the bathroom throughout the night. I would like to add that in case one might think it could have mere...Read more.
Jason H. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I donā€™t get enough sleep, and even though I havenā€™t gotten any more while taking this, I have better sleep and awaken each day feeling more refreshed and ready for the day. Also, my mood in the evening leading up to bedtime has been calmer, and it seems like my rest period begins before I go to bed.
Erika C. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
Since day one of taking Qualia Night Iā€™ve felt a difference on my energy levels. I have been sleeping less hours but I wake up well rested. I have a tendency to clench my jaw at night and I believe I have not being doing it since my jaw doesnā€™t feel locked in the morning.
Douglas P. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I've struggled with extreme daytime fatigue for years, and know that quality sleep is the variable I've most needed to optimize to feel and perform my best cognitive, emotionally, and physically. In spite of the plethora of sleep hacks I've tried, I've been unable to crack the code and feel truly rested. Qualia Night, after a single week of use, feels like one of the most promising ways to finally get the rest my brain and body have so desperately needed. In my experience so far, each day aft...Read more.
Isaac B. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
After only taking this supplement for five days Iā€™ve noticed a much deeper sleep. I woke up feeling energized, ready to wake up and own the day. I didnā€™t go to bed feeling groggy or more tired than usual either. I love this product! I canā€™t wait to start using it regularly
Kelly T. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I took the capsules every night for 4 nights around 7 or 8pm with the hopes of being asleep around 11PM. I find it very difficult to fall asleep most night and I feel like I was able to fall asleep with less issues while use this. I would definitely recommend this to anyone that has trouble falling asleep. I did have to adjust to waking up however, I found I did have a harder time waking up at 8am.
Ryan M. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I've used a bunch of supplements to help improve my sleep that have helped to various degrees. I love qualia night because I can take it at dinner and not worry about hitting a 30 or 15 minute window before bed. Slept great this week!
Pam E. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I do not get enough sleep. I wake up felling like I just need to stay in bed until I started taking Qualia Night. Now even if I donā€™t get enough hours, I wake up feeling like I can still face the day! Itā€™s a miracle!
Emmy E. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I felt more at ease and relaxed in the evening. This seemed to also translate into better and deeper sleep. Also, I'm at the end of purchasing a home... It has taken 6 months. She that has been a factor in my sleep. I feel the Qualia Night helped to ease the stress resulting in better sleep.
Stephanie Q. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I usually have trouble falling and staying asleep, with this product I slept like a baby. If I happened to wake up in the night I would fall right back asleep, something normally hard for me to do. I woke up relaxed and ready for the day. Would definitely recommend for anyone who has trouble with staying asleep!
Mary Elizabeth B. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
The first day I took this, I woke up energized, refreshed and actually wanted to do things in the morning! It was a huge game-changer from my usual stuffy, sleepless nights.
Kyle A. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
In terms of actual effect, I do not believe 5 days was enough to notice a discernable difference. However, knowing Neurohackerā€™s position on ingredient quality and also the concept of the supplement (a non-sedative, holistic approach), I would like to believe that the product (over a more decisive period of time) would benefit me in the same way that Qualia Mind benefits me. With that being said, I was very pleased to not consume something that benefits my sleep right before bed. I had no adv...Read more.
Adrian S. - 2020-07-08 | Beta Tester
Excellent, about 2 -2.5 hours after taking I was ready for bed, and fell asleep much faster than normal.
Devon S. - 2020-07-08 | Beta Tester
I got very restful And quality sleep each night without feeling overly drowsy the night before or then next morning. Qualia night is different from any other sleep aid because rather than forcing your body to fall asleep, it Naturally supports and up regulates all the systems responsible for a deep and restful Sleep
Sean P. - 2020-07-08 | Beta Tester
Was very surprised after the first night. Woke up feeling very refreshed and my watch (Suunto 9 baro) recorded 86% sleep quality and over 2 hrs of deep sleep. Iā€™ve never had above 62% sleep quality before in the six months Iā€™ve owned the watch. The remaining nights were similar.
rex w. - 2020-07-07 | Beta Tester
Night has supported a deeper sleep and seems to help me stay asleep all night. I have felt more rested when taking it and seem to fall asleep easier than on nights when I don't take it.
Pranava A. - 2020-07-07 | Beta Tester
Draven P. - 2020-07-07 | Beta Tester
I usually only stay asleep for 2 to 4 hours at a time. After a few days of taking Qualia Night, I have been able to stay asleep for 6 hours without waking! Now I only wake up one time early morning and its easy to fall back asleep for the last hour or two of sleep. I definitely have way more energy throughout the day. I feel more motivated and a lot happier! l used to have to wake up and go back to sleep 3 or 4 times throughout the night to get a full 8 hours of sleep. But the quality was not...Read more.
AIMEE S. - 2020-07-07 | Beta Tester
I felt that I fell asleep faster and slept more deeply. I would definitely take this supplement on a regular basis.
Mike G. - 2020-07-07 | Beta Tester
Product didnt make me drowsy but I did feel very relaxed and calm. I woke up this morning and felt rather well rested - work throughout the day has been well focused.