
Anna P. - 2020-03-18
I used to struggle with staying asleep through the night. With this product I eased into a deep sleep, didnā€™t wake up in the middle of the night like I used to and remember my dreams. If I woke up I was able to fall right back into a deep sleep. I felt rested when I woke up and ready to start my day.
marilyn d. - 2020-03-18
Slept better while taking it, and had a calm relaxed energy while awake on it.
Rachel K. - 2020-03-18
Quick to sleep. Woke up rested and not drowsy.
Chad C. - 2020-03-18
The product me help fall a sleep and get a great night of rest
Drew B. - 2020-03-18
While taking this product, I have been able to fall asleep much earlier. I have been sleeping very deeply and waking up feeling refreshed and energized. I notice my dreams are very vivid and I remember them a lot more than normal. Taking this product was very helpful in keeping and maintaining a regular sleep schedule.
jean m. - 2020-03-18
Very good, felt much better while taking the product!
Albert F. - 2020-03-18
Though really expensive
Deborah B. - 2020-03-17
I decided to give this product a whirl based on my experience with Qualia Mind (Caffeine Free) and with cautious optimism. I ramped it up a bit slowly, starting with 4-5 capsules approx. 4-5 days a week. The very first night I slept better (deeper and longer without effort) and had more mental clarity for the little stuff I tend not to prioritize (I use my brains all day to create and also manage on various fronts). I can say this product has given me more mental and creative horsepower for...Read more.
Antoine M. - 2020-03-17
Great product. My ability to focus was 100 folds! I love the product and will sure continue to use it. Even now that I am running out of it, I can feel the lasting effects. Great Product!
Jonathan M. - 2020-03-17
Took the energy shot after working a night shift and thinking about going for my farthest run to date in a snowstorm 28kmā€™s later soaked and feeling still strong , focused and so fulfilled I stopped my run because of knees not holding up . Going thru the run I had low moments that I could push thru faster then normal to get that second wind / break thru mental barriers at far quicker speeds then normal and regain focus into those tough mental spaces when I want to give up . I should add Iā€™m t...Read more.
Colin L. - 2020-03-16
I like Qualia Energy. Itā€™s quick to drink and definitely gives me a nice energy boost that lasts most of the day, but doesnā€™t keep me awake at night. I feel more focused and productive when I take it. I will definitely be ordering more.
Beth C. - 2020-03-16
Perfect solution for a calm, cool, and collected approach to your life. I feel great!
Manuel C. - 2020-03-15
Definitely helping day by day manage my stress and I feel it working. Great energy through day. Only been taking it a month now, just waiting on my second bottle, which I understand it takes up to 2 or so months for full cell regeneration to show. Thank you guys. Great product.
Bryan H. - 2020-03-15
I have been using qualia mind for about 2 months and have noticed a vast improvement in my focus, memory and word recall. I wouldnā€™t say those things were bad before but I will say they are much better now.
Melissa T. - 2020-03-14
I canā€™t believe how well this works. I can tell a noticeable difference when I take it. Iā€™ve experienced brain fog, problems with recall, and overall forgetfulness since my son was born. Iā€™m a better version of myself when I take these. In addition to better memory, Iā€™ve found myself energized and ready to take care of all the things on my to do list. Another bonus is that when I take it, I am also thinking ahead. I was afraid I would experience jitters, trouble sleeping and excessive energy ...Read more.
Brad H. - 2020-03-13
The first day I knew it was going to be great. My motivation to get things done is at an all time high. I am really feeling good since starting this and Eternus.
Scott R. - 2020-03-09
Qualia is the best nootropic supplement on the market. If you donā€™t start taking this to improve focus and productivity, you are doing yourself a disservice. I have seen a dramatic increase in effective communication, commitment to healthy habits, long term and short term goal setting/clarity and creativity integration in my workflow. Itā€™s been a life changer and I canā€™t wait to see what benefits occur at the 3 month and 6 month timelines. You wonā€™t be disappointed.
Patrick C. - 2020-03-08
I have been taking Qualia now for about 2.5 weeks. The biggest thing I have noticed so far is consistent, all day energy. I don't seem to be having any crashes. This certainly has to do with a number of factors such as getting enough sleep, eating a mostly plant based diet, avoiding caffeine and sugar, consistent meditation & exercise, etc. Yet I feel like Qualia is been supporting and even upleveling my baseline for wellbeing which is incredible. I am excited to continue supplementing my...Read more.
Sergio S. - 2020-03-08
I have always struggle with focusing on daily tasks, with Qualia this trouble is gone.
Christopher A. - 2020-03-07
This leaves the mind with a light and energetic focus. Very effective.
Diego V. - 2020-03-07
This product gave me a total boost !!
Edward S. - 2020-03-04
Love it
Justin D. - 2020-03-03
Until I started taking mind I had no idea of my untapped potential. after taking it for over a month and a half I didn't even recognize my Consciousness anymore it had expanded Beyond what I thought was comfortable. The longer I took it the more my mind seemed to expand and everything became so much clearer and easier. Now even some of the most complicated tasks I can accomplish with ease. It's only possible because my mind was still plastic enough that it could unleash my mind and I also had...Read more.
George L. - 2020-03-01
Excellent products
Tabatha J. - 2020-02-29
Tried for the first time today, about 3 hrs ago after a night with only 4 hrs sleep. No jitters, no upset stomach like the usual large amounts of coffee I drink give. Seems subtle however I feel really good! Alert, in a good mood, feel like a got a good nights sleep! Tastes like childs grape cough medicine. These were a discounted add on to my order, will order again if the discount is extended with my next order. Thank you!