
brian m. - 2019-12-05
Feel a lot more resilient health wise after 1 month use. Iā€™ve gotten less sleep and done more physically, personally and professionally in this span where I would normally felt I needed to rest a lot more. I still got rest, but the quality has changed and now that things have slowed, I feel Iā€™m absorbing more. Love the 5:2 split too.
Yanci A. - 2019-12-05
This is the best product of its kind.
monica w. - 2019-12-03
Joe W. - 2019-12-02
Really the best supplement on the market for energy and vitality. Perfectly dosed potent and unique ingredients!
Cliff B. - 2019-11-28 | Beta Tester
Really enjoyed my 5-day brief trial.
Jaime F. - 2019-11-27 | Beta Tester
only one day in, but i feel more alert and focused.
Dan O. - 2019-11-21
My energy levels are amazing with this product!! Donā€™t use a pre-workout at all anymore!!
carlos b. - 2019-11-20
I have plenty of good things to say about this. At first, it almost took me to the hospital because im very caffeine sensitive and i haven't had any caffeine in years, so i took 5 and got an anxiety attack. I started taking 3 and just working my way up, now only taking 5 a day. After 3 weeks i feel amazing. energized, sleep less and wake up feeling amazing, can get a lot more done through out the day and my creativity is a lot higher. I run a real estate business and my marketing, and it has ...Read more.
Bridget F. - 2019-11-19
Today I had an appointment with a lawyer to discuss my legal rights regarding my divorce. Normally I would be a nervous wreck (the thought of dealing with the stress of dealing with lawyers ever again after my custody battle last year makes me want to cringe!) but I was cool, calm and collected. It was just like any other meeting, on any other day. No getting worked up, no nervousness, no getting emotional. Quite amazing!! I also had steady energy throughout the day. No cravings or ā€œneedā€ for...Read more.
Eric M. - 2019-11-16
5 stars
Derick M. - 2019-11-15 | Beta Tester
Nice clean energy product! Great for those long work shift. Keeps you focused without crash!
Kimberlee M. - 2019-11-15 | Beta Tester
Feel wide awake without jitters! Great substitute for Coffee drinkers.
Noel O. - 2019-11-15
Super pleased with Eternus. Solid foundation of energy throughout the day with no disruption to sleep. The last few months have been full-on at work and home - long days and late nights - while training for my first half-marathon. Without Eternus I couldnā€™t have done it.
Brad A. - 2019-11-15
For decades I took the hallucinogenic drug marijuana (I was a heavy pot smoker). It gave me neat thoughts, and allowed me to meditate. I spent a lot of money getting high - not necessarily for the good feeling, but to "improve" the function of my mind. I have since quite completely. Now, I still believe that taking supplements is a great way to improve the function of my mind, and I rate Qualia to be the best of those I've experimented with. I am a National Master at chess, and a member ...Read more.
Andrew C. - 2019-11-15
Great product. I have tried similar supplements in the past, nothing else has produced such positive mental and physical results as Eternus.
Guest - 2019-11-14
I have been very impressed with my first two weeks of using Qualia Focus. It gives me a great amount of energy through the day, which I have noticed makes me a happier person in general. I get stressed/tired out at work and become short with people I worked with. I feel like I operate with a much more level and calm demeanor now. I have a lot more energy and feel really great overall.
David G. - 2019-11-13
I am a big fan of all of Neurohackerā€™s formulations, but this one might be my favorite. Itā€™s now my ā€œgo-toā€ if I have an important afternoon meeting or work that requires activation energy and focus.
Allan B. - 2019-11-13
I have tried most of the Qualia products over the past year or so and Focus has by far worked the best for me. My awareness becomes clearer, and negative thoughts seem to vanish. I work shift work, which obviously is not the optimal sleep cycle. But even when working night shift I take it when I get up in the afternoon, and the effect is the same. I have also noticed the effect of simply being able to go to sleep when I want to. There is no crash or drop of any kind from Qualia Focus.
Draven P. - 2019-11-13
These energy shots really give me the boost I need in the early morning hours without the jitters. I always go on early morning runs and I noticed that I did not get fatigued as quickly as I normally would when I was doing my sprints. The major physical energy boosting effects tend to last about 4 hours, but the mental energy and sharpness I feel after taking the nootropic energy shots lasts for most of the day! Id say about 12 hours of mental sharpness after taking just one of these shots. I...Read more.
Alex Y. - 2019-11-13
I've been a fan of Neurohacker for some time, and have been a self-proclaimed "bio-hacker" before companies were putting out nootropic supplements. When Neurohacker first came out with their very first Qualia product with the Step 1 and Step 2 bottles, the Step 1 bottles worked like magic for me. My brain immediately turned on, everything was brighter, more noticeable, my mood instantly became very pleasant and calm, and my ability to focus went through the roof. Since Neurohacker stopped pro...Read more.
Mary Jo K. - 2019-11-13
This product provides awesome energy for 7 hours, non-jittery, and incredibly focused energy. Thank you!!
Bill H. - 2019-11-12
I am a Senior Citizen age 65 and have brain fog from traumatic auto accident and amalgam filling removal Vapors!-I have done testimonials for this product on my own podcast show! Thanks for this I have been on autoship and will be back soon
Jonathan C. - 2019-11-10
I have been taking Focus for about a month now. I originally didnā€™t understand that you were supposed to be taking 5 capsules a day and started with only 1 a day. But even just on 1 a day I saw a huge improvement to my mental clarity and my energy levels. I wouldnā€™t wake up in the morning feeling groggy or hung over because Iā€™m sleep deprived. I would have tons of energy in the morning and be ready to go. Which is good, because I have an hour long drive to work in the morning. I also noticed ...Read more.
Tonya T. - 2019-11-10
I have been looking at Eternus for a while but was skeptical. Been under a lot of stress and burning the candle at both ends with a very demanding job. Listened to a podcast on Superhuman Radio on Eternus and decided to try. Was not really expecting to feel much but I have been taking the full dose in the morning 5 days a week for a month now and Eternus is the real deal. I am able to get through my days without as much caffeine and I have extra energy that is not a stimulant based energy...Read more.
Laura F. - 2019-11-09
I genuinely loved this product. I had clear, focused energy with no jitters all day. Normally I make a bulletproof coffee in the morning, and I didn't feel like I needed one.