Victor C. reviewed Qualia Mind Energy Shot | Beta Tester
The results were most really good. I went to teach a few yoga classes after I took it, and my cues were were on point, like allowed me to think faster through the rest of the day. The taste isn’t the best though.
Steady energy
I really enjoyed this nootropic product for the two days I tried it out! It provides a steady, calm energy instead of the usual anxious stimulation that other nootropics provide. I also liked the liquid form - easy to take. I would love to try these for a solid month and see how much I improve in...
Clear focus
Clear focus and clarity without nervousness or being jittery
Enjoyed the product.
Very subtle, yet affective. Very little jitters when taken on an empty stomach. A level, consistent amount of energy and clarity with no crash. Increased physical sensations while meditating. Not as noticeable affects when taken with food.
Today’s the first day - I reckon tomorrow will offer a better perspective.
I think the low quality of sleep is skewing today’s input. The taste could be improved with chai spice I think.