Brie C. reviewed Qualia Night
Qualia provided me with some of the deepest sleep of my life. At night, I could feel myself drift off to sleep with ease and I didn't wake at all throughout the night.
Initial Results
Although I have not yet established a regular, ongoing routine for taking Qualia Night, I am already noticing that I sleep for longer periods each night without intermittent waking and that when I do waken I am able to fall back asleep quickly. I am more refreshed and productive every morning.
Best sleep /Most Vivid dreams = Ever
I was uncomfortable with the pricing, however, I decided to give it a try for 2 bottles - which I shared with my partner after I sensed something very positive was happening. Both of us are having very very positive outcomes.
Good stuff
Expensive but if your someone who likes to try and get away with less sleep hours this is for you! I like to get 4-7 hours of sleep and when i take this I don't wake up feeling like garbage I wake actually feeling like I got a great amount of sleep its strange but I don't question it!