thomas T. reviewed Qualia Night
It didn't have the effect that I thought it would .
good potential for deep sleep
Some nights were a good sleep, some nights not so much... I think I needed more nights to establish a pattern of sleeping better.
Working for me
I have a terrible time falling asleep and have for years. I have taken lots of different pills, most recently an OTC sleep aid in high doses. I have been taking Night for a few months now and can report that I rarely need to take the OTC drug any more! I'm happy about that because I have been ...
Qualia NIGHT is indeed different
After studying Dr. Kelly’s rationale behind the NIGHT formula - and respecting and aligning with his decion-making process - I was curious as to what my personal experience would be. Turns out I slept more soundly, more deeply, and felt more rested upon rising. Very pleased have this product avai...