Colton B. reviewed Qualia Mind
As a fourth year medical student in the Army I have had a busy schedule for years. This product has kept my mind ready to perform and conquer any and all tasks that it has had before it. I first heard about it from Mark Divine on his Unbeatable Mind podcast years ago. I have been taking it for years and it is the best supplement that I take for mental and physical toughness, endurance, and grit. I attribute much of my ability to focus and succeed in medicine and beyond to this product and this company.
Game Changer
Qualia was a real game changer for me. It helps cut out the unnecessary noise and allows my mind to perform at what feels like peak performance. I noticed a huge improvement in my emotional stability as well. I am very sensitive to caffeine, so when I was trying Qualia Mind if I took the recommen...
This product works! I have been very satisfied with the clean energy and mental clarity I get when I use this. It keeps me sharp on those long night shifts, while working as a Paramedic.