
Valencia C. - 2019-08-15
I'm on my 3rd bottle of Qualia. The first few days taking it was like a jolt to my body. After the first week, I could feel myself able to concentrate better and think with more clarity. During this period, I transitioned to another job and also started taking classes for a 2nd undergrad. Qualia definitely helped me focus for these.
Benny Z. - 2019-08-12
worked for me and I am a huge skeptic to stuff of this nature trying mind next to see if I can notice a difference. (buy it and trust it!!!!) one thing I will mention because of my body type and size I needed to take more caps to find the sweet spot when I can feel and realize that it has kicked in which by the way way to many to take in order to feel the effects but it does work for me at least, pryer to engaging in the supplement plan my mind was very foggy/cloudy and I often found having t...Read more.
Steve G. - 2019-08-11
Very satisfied, excellent clarity, and focus
Dustyn I. - 2019-08-10
The short term effects of this medication seem to be quite promising. I have yet to see if the long term effects are effective but the science seems to be pretty well established and It was cool that they're paper was peer reviewed and all they're claims are backed up by scientific sources.
Ryan R. - 2019-08-09
I have noticed my attention span increasing. My level of awareness at work is increased. My problem solving has become quicker. I can actually multi task in that I may browse to another topic and then return to the task at hand without forgetting. I navigate through complex problems more efficiently. My patience has increased. This really has been a game changer for me.
Daniel L. - 2019-08-09
Good Stuff
Samuel M. - 2019-08-09
How would I explain what Qualia has done for me? It has drastically changed the way I look at everything. Have you ever watched a movie when you were younger then watched it again many years later understanding messages you missed? Qualia is just that. What was natural anxious thinking and reacting, I am able to slow down the thought that triggered that emotion, analyze quickly and calmly, allowing that panicking emotion to pass by. My train of thought is clearer and consistent. Qualia Mind...Read more.
Scott H. - 2019-08-09
This product works! I have been very satisfied with the clean energy and mental clarity I get when I use this. It keeps me sharp on those long night shifts, while working as a Paramedic.
Drew B. - 2019-08-09
Taking eternus, I feel grounded and present. I feel as though my capacity to understand what my body needs increases. Basically, my body just feels good! I have a heightened sensitivity to how I feel, and because of this it is easier to invest in long term health.
marc s. - 2019-08-09
The product is amazing. I’ve been using Qulia for about a year and a half. I notice a difference in sharpness and mental clarity and recall. I really enjoy the caffeine free qualia and still enjoy my coffee or preworkout products.
Allie D. - 2019-08-09
I work in emergency services, and when I need to get up and go or have a long shift, Qualia keeps my mind alert and sharp without feeling jumpy or on edge. Will definitely use this product again and again!
Huy T. - 2019-08-09
It works for me. Even on days I'm off of it, I still feel faster then before.
Junaid M. - 2019-08-08
Best supplement EVER! It's the only one YOU NEED!
BAMDAD E. - 2019-08-07
I started using this product with a lot of scepticism, as I don't believe in magic. Having said that I found Qualia Mind really effective at keeping me focused and sharp to a point where I had to reduce the number of capsules I take to be able to sleep! Brain functions best if you have a healthy diet and regular exercise so don't expect this to pull the weight for everything else. If you're healthy and want to push through more work this is a great solution especially if you work in tech.
John I. - 2019-08-06
Early days still but I definitely feel better while taking it in combination with Qualia Mind. More to come but two thumbs up so far.
Elizabeth K. - 2019-08-05
Qualia has had a profound effect on my life. I've been using it 2-5 days per week for almost 2 years. After having severe brain damage from mercury poisoning, I was struggling to just have a clear head many days. I could barely work a few hours a week, and I hadn't read a complete book in 10 years. I am incredibly grateful for the dramatic increase in my capacity to be motivated, to think clearly, to focus, create, and organize. Now I'm reading 1000 page books in a month, and working part tim...Read more.
Stephanie C. - 2019-08-03
It's early days for me with Focus, having taken it for two cycles of 5 days on, 2 days off and choosing to stay within a dose of 2 - 3 caps per day instead of the 5 capsule dose. Having taken Qualia Mind before for a longer period of time I can compare the two products and the differences I experience with each. Focus has quite a different effect to Mind. Mind gives me a more immediate and stronger sense of wellbeing, connectedness and faster processing around things I'm interested in doing o...Read more.
Stephen H. - 2019-08-02
Qualia changed my life! I’ve never been more productive, motivated, and focused with everything I do. My sleep is amazing, and my overall quality of life is better than it’s ever been. I’ve been recommending this product to everyone. Qualia has exceeded all expectations!
JC M. - 2019-08-02
Great product to support the process of becoming your best self. I would try the caffeine-free version if you are sensitive to caffeine.
Wilfredo F. - 2019-08-01
It’s all about knowing your limits and finding your balance. :)
Francisco R. - 2019-08-01
Best Product on the market !!! Amazing boost of energy, super Focus, Creativity and determination is what I have been experiencing since I started to used Qualia mind.
Rushton W. - 2019-07-31
I've been taking Qualia since there was only the Original Stack. I'm currently taking Q. Focus and love it! It has a more intense focus effect than the O.S. so I find I don't need it everyday; I like the full dose for a day I know I need to be honed in and I usually take a half dose or a little less for general work days. Qualia is by far the best nootropic I have ever had since I started exploring them 6-7 years ago.
Cynthia H. - 2019-07-31
I have been using Qualia - Caffeine Free for almost 2 months now and I have noticed a difference in my focus at work and in my personal life! I sleep better, more sound and in the morning I am able to get up energized, ready and able to move so much that I am now re-introducing working out! I love this product!
ALISHER S. - 2019-07-31
Qualia mind is a perfect tool to increase human productivity
Jejuan R. - 2019-07-30
I found Qualia after seeing an ad on Facebook and it sparked some interest because it was comprised of the same combination of supplements I was taking from GNC, but in a single bottle and comparably cheaper price, so I decided to try it and immediately felt the difference it makes. The dosages are perfectly measured and I don't even have to take the full 7 that is prescribed. I love it.