Qualia Night Reviews

Brandon C. - 2021-07-22
I have found improved sleep with this product.
Patricia M. - 2021-07-01
since i've been using your product, i have noticed that i've been sleeping very deeply for the first 2 to 3 hours of the night, which hasn't happened to me in a very long time.
Marcus L. - 2021-06-18
I take it 4, sometimes 3 hours before lights out and it's really been helping me transition from my 12 hour hair on fire work shifts towards recharging my brain, body and soul during the 7-8 hours of sleep. Your recommendation of 5 days on & 2 days off the product is working 5 by 5 for me. Thanx!
Toni M. - 2021-02-22
This is my 3rd week. My 1st night was a big wow. I slept 7 hrs. and I felt very lifted energy wise and mentally still. I do have my nights when I wake up @ 4 AM. Hopefully that will be reduced.
Nancy S. - 2020-11-18
At the end of my first month of taking Qualia Night, I’m now reliably sleep 7-8 hours - a significant improvement! As a result, I’ve decided to be a monthly subscriber and I’ll definitely comment more descriptively after a few months of regular use.
kristin w. - 2020-09-02
I liked that this product didn't hard shutdown my system shortly after taking it. It seemed to naturally & seamlessly encourage my personal composition to help me sleep deeper & stay asleep without any hangover in the morning. My energy levels felt as though they'd been wound back to a decade ago.
Aaron M. - 2020-08-27
The first night I didn’t notice much of a difference but by the third night I was waking up well rested and energized
Matt H. - 2020-08-23
Full disclosure, I already sleep good (huge fan of Eternus). Took me several years to dial it all in. However, what I wanted out of this product was an increase to HRV. I never saw an increase to HRV. With that said, HRV IMO is far more complex than a supplement. While HRV is obviously a good bio-metric training tool, it is also a measurement of your overall state of mind. Eternus was part of my equation when learning to dial it all in. While this product did not do what I wanted it to, it do...Read more.
Jeffrey M. - 2020-08-21
A good product! It affords a deep restful sleep and I wake up mentally alert. No grogginess, or physical tiredness.
Shawna M. - 2020-08-20
I really like how this product makes me feel relaxed and ready for the bed in the evening. I feel as if I am able to fall asleep faster when taking this product. However, on several of the mornings after taking this product, I did wake up with a headache.
Tierney W. - 2020-08-20
I felt mild relaxation within an hour after taking it and feel asleep fairly easily. I highly recommend this product for help with a calm mood and falling asleep easier.
Michelle R. - 2020-08-19
I gave this four stars because I’m not quite sure if I can tell anything yet. I started taking 4 capsules with dinner for just over a week, but at the same time I was trying one other new thing. I have an Oura ring and when I was trying both new things my HRV went down. So I stopped both, waited a couple of weeks and tried the Qualia Night by itself. I don’t really notice anything different....which isn’t a bad thing. My HRV has been higher lately but I’ve been training a lot lately too. Eith...Read more.
Mary B. - 2020-08-17
Qualia Night allowed me to relax and drift off to sleep. There was no residual effect in the morning. Still had several nights waking up around 3:00 am.
Nicholas F. - 2020-08-14
I experienced a restful night with vivid dreams. The only side-effect I experienced was a slight headache from sleeping too long!
Jeffrey M. - 2020-08-14
my experience was very subtle. I fell asleep easily, slept well and woke up significantly more alert and able to move easily. Lack of stiffness and grogieness was evident.
Robert H. - 2020-08-12
I have been having the product regularly for a couple of weeks now. So far, the effects have been subtle, but I am planning to be patient as I know such supplements often take some time to build up to their full effectiveness. So far I have been seeing some modest impact on my sleep quality through my Oura ring sleep tracker. I will continue to collect data and hope to establish a strong causal relationship between Qualia night and my overall sleep quality.
dan w. - 2020-08-12
great product but i was a little sleepy untill mid- day
Scott M. - 2020-08-11
Product allows me to sleep longer and longer through the night with each day of use! I feel more rested and have vivid dreams!
Kim M. - 2020-07-29
It was a bit difficult to remember to take the pill so early in the evening, so I got a false start or two. When I began to remember to take it by 7pm or so by using an alarm, I seemed to get tired at my ideal bedtime and sleep soundly, feeling well-rested when I woke.
Alyssa L. - 2020-07-29
First couple days I didn’t notice anything but the third day I don’t remember waking up or having any dreams which is very strange for me. I feel very rested after taking it. I think it works
Benjamin D. - 2020-07-25
Definitely felt as though I slept deeper, fell asleep quicker, and had less mid-night wake ups. The only negative I saw during my testing was it seemed make me more easily agitated throughout the day. Not enough to make me stop using it, it seemed to work great in terms of quality and ease of sleep.
Daniel W. - 2020-07-24
The Qualia Night product did a good job of helping me fall asleep and I woke up feeling pretty restful. Having to take the product around 4 hours before bedtime was inconvenient.
Brian G. - 2020-07-21
I noticed that I had a more relaxed feeling about an hour or so after taking the pills. I didn't sleep better right away, but my sleep started to improve nights 4 and 5.
allison P. - 2020-07-21
I was able to cut the number of wakenings from 6 to 10 a night down to 4 or 5. I was able to return to sleep quicker. I was so relaxed each morning, I found it hard to get myself out of bed.
Leah N. - 2020-07-20
This has been great for winding down before bed. Overall my sleep has been great. Did see an increase in crazy dreams, but hoping that just means more REM.