Qualia Night Reviews

Manami M. - 2020-07-20
The first night I took Qualia Night, I couldn't shut my mind off and it was hard to fall asleep (not positive what external factors also could have contributed to this). However, this was the only night I experienced this. The next 4 days, I did not have a hard time falling asleep and I woke up feeling completely restored - that sleep where you wake up with lines imprinted on your body and face. It's that good.
Kaitlyn D. - 2020-07-18
I am someone who usually gets very, very good sleep but haven't recently because of all the unknowns in the world and stress piling in my head. This product was fantastic. Does not make you feel drowsy, or tired but when you get in bed it seems easier to relax and fall to sleep. I definitely recommend to anyone and everyone. Have to say I did experience some very vivid dreams.
Dan P. - 2020-07-16
I think this is a revolutionary sleep product. It's acting to make sleep more effective vs acting directly on sleep processes. So, its ingredients can help support things like DNA repair and other restorative processes that occur during sleep. I'm a big fan.
Colby C. - 2020-07-15 | Beta Tester
I did not feel drowsy after taking this product. The biggest difference that I noticed is that I stayed asleep longer when taking the product compared to usual, leaving me with better overall sleep through the night. Usually I wake up several times a night. I had no issues waking up in the morning after taking this product. I would like to set a baseline sleep quality measurement and try this product again in the future to look at the change in sleep levels comparatively. I will buy a bottle ...Read more.
Ben L. - 2020-07-15
The product has top notch ingredients that I would incorporate into my night time supplement regimen. Overall the product did not have a sedating effect. I slept better than normal although strange dreams were a side effect I experienced.
Conrad W. - 2020-07-14 | Beta Tester
Ultimately, I did sleep deeply while using the product. However, I thought the recommended dosage of four capsules was too much. It is a potent concoction which proved, in my subjective case, to have surpassed optimal. Note, as well, that during this trial I have been taking Eternus as recommended. That likely did contributed to my perspective of Qualia Night being too potent at the recommended dosage as Eternus is also designed to promote higher quality sleep. I want to recount my experienc...Read more.
Pete C. - 2020-07-14 | Beta Tester
Since taking this product, I have woken up in the morning about an hour before I usually wake, feeling energized and well rested. My total sleep time has been 6 hours instead of my usual 7, and I feel more rested. I track my deep and REM sleep, which has remained consistent even after reducing my sleep time by an hour, so I'm assuming the quality of my sleep is better due to taking this product.
Aaron M. - 2020-07-14
After the second night I’ve never slept more peaceful, than you add on the fact that you actually feel rested.. fing mint
Tom C. - 2020-07-13 | Beta Tester
Day one - worked great. Day two - didn't sleep very well (was preoccupied), Day three - Slept well, Day four - slept well. Day five - didn't sleep well.
Elizabeth E. - 2020-07-13 | Beta Tester
I am not sure how much of a difference taking Qualia night made. I live in Texas and did quite a bit of work in extreme heat lately. That being said, I did feel pretty good most mornings when I got up (even when my Oura said I did not get the best sleep, HRV was down, HR up, etc). I will definitely consider buying a month and giving it a longer trial though.
Katie M. - 2020-07-13 | Beta Tester
My quality of sleep was suffering before I started this trial. I tested taking 2, 3, and 4 capsules. Taking 2 and 3 was not much difference. Both had solid sleep quality and I woke up wide awake after 6 hours (would like at least 7). I'm usually still sleepy when I wake up, no matter how much quality sleep I get. I felt tired and foggy after being awake for about 3 hours though.Taking 4 was really deep, quality sleep for about 9 hours. Body felt well rested, but had a mild headache. I would l...Read more.
Tricia K. - 2020-07-13 | Beta Tester
Per the directions, I still took my other sleep supplements. Overall I liked the product and felt that it helped (remember to take it earlier in the evening though- as a couple times I forgot and that made a difference). Also, the world is kind of crazy right now, anxiety levels for me are higher than normal- if this were during ‘normal times’ I think my results would have been even more dramatic.
Liz F. - 2020-07-12 | Beta Tester
I wish it were a few less capsules to take, but 4 isn't so bad. I also felt relaxed and noticed improved sleep with better dream recall when I only took 3.
Charles R. - 2020-07-12 | Beta Tester
The biggest challenge was finding the perfect time for taking Qualia Sleep. The directions were somewhat ambiguous on when exactly to take a dose. On two occasions, a dose was taken 1-2 hours before bedtime. This was far too early and caused undesirable effects (anxiousness and fast heart rate) in bed. Taking the medicine 3-4 hours before bed was the sweet spot. Regardless of when the dose was taken, sleep was restful and upon wakening, I was energetic and mentally sharp with sleep durations ...Read more.
Justin P. - 2020-07-12 | Beta Tester
It’s a good product. Not life changing for me. Actually had some rough nights of deep sleep during the week as shown on my oura. Not sure why, I usually have no issues with deep sleep. But based on the ingredients I doubt it could of been the formula. Not sure what it’s from. Either way, it was fun to experiment. Can’t say it was a life changer. But I’m pretty dialed already so I think it’s a little harder for me to get any seriously noticeable benefits from just one variable—the formula. Fun...Read more.
ali e. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
i love that its clean and great quality. no bad taste or after taste. really works! i fell asleep 30 minutes early the first night. Oura sleep scores were great, but typical... i didn't see improved deep sleep or HRV during this trial. woke up in the middle of the night some, but still felt refreshed the next days. Love this product, but it didn't seem to be the miracle that it sounds like it is... at least not yet, but I'm not complaining!! its still an incredible product. I love the i...Read more.
Mike B. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
I'm not sure a five-day trial is enough time to truly asses the effectiveness of Qualia Night . The first 2 or 3 days of taking the product I don't recall much of a change in my quality or duration of sleep. Over the last 1 or 2 days, while I do feel that I achieved a deeper sleep than my norm, I still only managed approximately 4 hours before waking up. The biggest change I noted (over the last day or two) was that I was able to return to sleep for a much needed 1 or 2 more hours. For me...Read more.
Max B. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
I think I would need more than a week trial to really assess this product, but here are my initial thoughts on it. It helped to slow me down at the end of the day and when I went to bed I was able to fall asleep faster. I woke up less than I usually do, but the best thing about this product was the super-real dreams I had on it. I hadn't had dreams like that since I was a child (41 years old now)
Dylan C. - 2020-07-11 | Beta Tester
I fell asleep quick (without feeling drowsy before), deeper deep sleep (dreams clear) and was easy to rise when the alarm rang.
robin l. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
day1: 2 capsules 7 hours before sleep (yawned within 2 hours). slept well but felt groggy in morning--like feeling of melatonin at first. i was alert within a couple hours day2: 1 capsule 90 min before bed (desired bedtime). slept well. woke alert with clarity and felt intuitive and myself. day3: 1 capsule 4 hours before bed. slept well. woke ready to work on my finances (very alert).
Chris B. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I didn’t notice too much of an effect the first 3 days, by day 5 I was definitely waking up more energetic and didn’t feel the need to immediately turn to coffee.
Melody C. - 2020-07-10 | Beta Tester
I took the product about 3 hours before I go to sleep. It definitely helped me get drowsy and I was able to fall asleep quickly. On average I would sleep well until about 4 am or so, and then be wide awake. This was annoying because I would still feel quite tired and wanted to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. The quality of sleep differed per night; sometimes I would wake up multiple times, tossing and turning, while other nights only a couple. Overall, for me, this product really helped me fa...Read more.
Carrie K. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I took Qualia Night for a short time. I know the ingredients are quality, although I can’t say in that short time I had a measurable difference in my sleep quality. I have been taking Eternus (Now called Qualia Life) for about five months now and feel like the product has helped my focus and energy levels.
Andy J. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
Based on Oura ring data, the product didn't seem to have a consistent effect on my levels of REM or deep levels, but it did seem to help me stay asleep longer each night and there was a clear trend of much higher heart rate variability than I'm used to seeing. Overall I feel energized and great.
Matthew W. - 2020-07-09 | Beta Tester
I enjoyed how it integrated with my day, leaving plenty of room to digest the supplement while I brought my day to a close