Collective Insights Blog

How to Make Viral & Ethical Content: An Interview with Tim Urban of WaitButWhy

Famous content creator, whose TED talk reached over 10 million views, Tim Urban joins us today.  He is  a writer, illustrator and co-founder of Wait But Why. Today he shares with us his story in finding his niche and discovering his passion for creating content for Wait But Why thru using stick figures as his way of illustration. He also talks about innovative ways to sustain yourself in the world of content creation.

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Neglected Areas of Research: What Study Would You Have Done with Unlimited Resources?

To improve our healthcare we need important research that is not being done. Often times health topics aren't studied due to lack of funds and resources. We’ve been asking our podcast guests where the missing research is in the field they are experts in. Read on to find out what they said.

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