Collective Insights Blog

Aging Backwards: The Lifestyle Interventions You Need to Lower Your Biological Age

Aging Backwards: The Lifestyle Interventions You Need to Lower Your Biological Age

Learn about a clinically-tested dietary program, designed to alter gene expression and lower our biological age.

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Is Your Daily Coffee Run The Key to a Healthier Heart and Longevity?

Is Your Daily Coffee Run The Key to a Healthier Heart and Longevity?

Good news. Your daily coffee run may help you live longer and contribute to heart health. Drink up!

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The Science of Awe: Why Wonder Boosts Happiness, Health, and Connection

The Science of Awe: Why Wonder Boosts Happiness, Health, and Connection

Research indicate that experiencing awe has the potential to enhance your happiness, well-being, and profound connections with those in your vicinity. Delve into the captivating scientific exploration of awe.

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5 Pillars of Human Development to Master Your Mind and Body

5 Pillars of Human Development to Master Your Mind and Body

Mark Divine guides us through five domains, or "mountains," that need to be cultivated to unlock human potential.

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The 12 Hallmarks of Aging

The 12 Hallmarks of Aging

Aging research has expanded significantly, and in 2023, the hallmarks of aging were extended to twelve. Here's what you need to know. 

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Consciousness and Existence: What is Reality and Do We Have Free Will?

Consciousness and Existence: What is Reality and Do We Have Free Will?

Explore the limitations of the physicalist framework, the emerging understanding that spacetime is not fundamental, and how this impacts evertyhing we though we knew about consciousness.

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Biological Age - What Does It Mean?

Biological Age - What Does It Mean?

We all age, but at different rates. Learn about your biological vs chronological age, and four ways to improve your biological age. 

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What Are Senolytics? The Science and Benefits

What Are Senolytics? The Science and Benefits

What are senolytics? Learn the latest science to support senolytics and how the ongoing research behind senolytics may revolutionize health and longevity as we know it. 

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The Power of NAD: Unlocking the Secrets of Healthy Aging

The Power of NAD: Unlocking the Secrets of Healthy Aging

NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a hub molecule in cellular metabolism, directly or indirectly impacting all 12 of the hallmarks of aging. Learn the science behind supporting healthy NAD levels.

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How to Slow Aging

How to Slow Aging

Can aging really be slowed or is that simply line being sold to health optimizers? Science doesn't lie. Here's what you need to know.

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Are The Natural Senolytic Compounds in Food Enough to Experience Senolytic Benefits?

Are The Natural Senolytic Compounds in Food Enough to Experience Senolytic Benefits?

Can natural senolytic compounds found in food really provide you with the known longevity benefits associated with senolytics? The answer may surprise you. 

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Senescence: What Are Senolytics

Senescence: What Are Senolytics

Cellular senescence is one of the main contributors to the aging process and has a significant impact on healthspan. Read on to better understand the concept of cellular senescence and the evolving field of senolytics.

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NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

There's a lot of talk about NMN and NR (precursors for NAD+) within the longevity space. Learn the differences between NMN and NR and which one is right for you. 

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Longevity and Epigenetics: Expert Biohacking Tips to Boost Healthspan - An Interview With Nathalie Niddam

Longevity and Epigenetics: Expert Biohacking Tips to Boost Healthspan - An Interview With Nathalie Niddam

With a keen focus on actionable biohacking and data-driven healthtech, this transcript from our Collective Insights episode with Nathalie Niddam is a treasure trove of the latest biohacking tech and tips to boost healthspan.

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Longevity Ingredient Spotlight: Fisetin Benefits

Longevity Ingredient Spotlight: Fisetin Benefits

Explore the science-backed benefits of the senolytic fisetin and how to use it to boost longevity.

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Qualia NAD+ Ingredients

Qualia NAD+ Ingredients

Qualia NAD+ is designed to provide support for optimizing NAD+ levels in adults, regardless of age. Here's an in-depth look at the ingredients we chose for the formulation.

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Zombie Cells: Everything You Need To Know

Zombie Cells: Everything You Need To Know

What exactly are "zombie" cells? Does fasting get rid of zombie cells? Here's everything you need to know about removing senescent cells from the body for optimal health.

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How Personalized Lifestyle Interventions are Revolutionizing Dementia Care and Treatment - An Interview With Dr. Heather Sandison

How Personalized Lifestyle Interventions are Revolutionizing Dementia Care and Treatment - An Interview With Dr. Heather Sandison

What follows is a transcript for a Collective Insights episode where Dr. Heather Sandison shared the latest research on lifestyle interventions proven to slow cognitive decline, shattering common misconceptions about Alzheimer's and providing key insights to keeping our brain sharp at any age.

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How Flow Science is Making Us Rethink Everything We Know About Aging - An Interview With Steven Kotler

How Flow Science is Making Us Rethink Everything We Know About Aging - An Interview With Steven Kotler

What follows is a transcript from our podcast with Steven Kotler where he fearlessly challenges long-standing myths surrounding aging.

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Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

New studies show magnesium supplementation can help maintain healthy brain volume and cognition. Here's what you need to know. 

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Senolytics: The Latest Breakthrough in Aging and Longevity Science - An Interview With The Qualia Science Team

Senolytics: The Latest Breakthrough in Aging and Longevity Science - An Interview With The Qualia Science Team

What follows is a transcript from a Collective Insights podcast episode with Dr. Nick Bitz and Dr. Greg Kelly where we discussed one of the biggest aging breakthroughs of our time, senolytics.

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Autophagy: 3 Science-Backed Ways to Induce It for Enhanced Longevity and Cognitive Function

Autophagy: 3 Science-Backed Ways to Induce It for Enhanced Longevity and Cognitive Function

By taking advantage of these science-backed ways to promote autophagy, you can support your overall health and cognitive function.

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Senescence in Skin Aging — How Qualia Senolytic May Support Skin Youthfulness

Senescence in Skin Aging — How Qualia Senolytic May Support Skin Youthfulness

Cellular senescence is a state of irreversible growth arrest that turns functional cells into zombie cells. These senescent cells occur in all types of tissues and organs and the skin is no exception.

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Qualia Senolytic Ingredients

Qualia Senolytic Ingredients

Improve your health and extend your lifespan with Qualia Senolytic, a dietary supplement designed to promote the removal of senescent cells

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Qualia Senolytic Pilot Study

Qualia Senolytic Pilot Study

During the development of Qualia Senolytic, Qualia put our newest healthy aging product to the test to find out how users would respond. 

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