Articles in Brain Health

10 Magnesium Rich Foods For Your Diet

10 Magnesium Rich Foods For Your Diet

Magnesium is essential for enhancing both heart and bone health. Discover ten magnesium-rich foods to incorporate into your diet.

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How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

Can scents really impact cognitive performance? Discover the intriguing link between incorporating a nightly aromatherapy and its impact on cognitive performance, assessed through a standard memory test.

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Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do brain supplements actually work? What do studies show? Learn the truth about nootropics and how they can enhance your everyday life.

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Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

New studies show magnesium supplementation can help maintain healthy brain volume and cognition. Here's what you need to know. 

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What is Mental Acuity? Your Guide to Staying Sharp

What is Mental Acuity? Your Guide to Staying Sharp

Learn what mental acuity is and science-backed ways to maintain mental sharpness and clarity as you age.

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A Q&A with the Founder of an Innovative Residential Care Facility

A Q&A with the Founder of an Innovative Residential Care Facility

Dementia is one of the top causes of dependency and mental impairment in our elderly population. Dr. Heather Sandison was looking for residential care facilities where they were serving organic food and incorporating Dr. Bredesen’s insights for dementia patients, but couldn't find one. As a result, she founded one of the first residential care facilities where dementia patients can immerse themselves in the lifestyle described by Dr. Bredesen in his book “The End of Alzheimer’s”. Read on for a Q&A on the MARAMA experience. 

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What is The Gut-Brain Axis? An Exploration of The Communication Pathways Between The Brain, The Gut, And The Microbiota

What is The Gut-Brain Axis? An Exploration of The Communication Pathways Between The Brain, The Gut, And The Microbiota

The gut and brain are constantly communicating and influencing each other. This interaction is called the gut-brain axis. It means that what goes on in the gut can affect how the brain performs, influencing how we think, feel and behave. In this article, we explore the gut-brain connection and how the brain and the gut, our second brain, influence each other.

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Nootropics: Research, Benefits, and Types

Nootropics: Research, Benefits, and Types

Everything you need to know about the latest research to support nootropics and list of the best studied nootropics for focus, memory, and drive.

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Your Guide to Brain Supplements

Your Guide to Brain Supplements

Brain supplements (nootropics) can support the many dimensions of brain activity. This is an ultimate guide to the top researched brain supplements. 

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What is Mental Energy & How to Support It

What is Mental Energy & How to Support It

Mental energy is important because it is essential for cognitive performance. Read on to better understand what mental energy is and seven research-backed ways to support it. 

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Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Stuck at a desk all day? Studies show just one minute of squatting exercises may help beat brain fatigue and boost mental energy.

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How Gratitude Helps Your Brain for the Good

How Gratitude Helps Your Brain for the Good

Knowledge of what the brain is doing during the experience of gratitude provides a window into gratitude’s relationship to mental health and resilience. This is your brain on gratitude.

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The Role of the Gut-Brain Axis in Metabolism and Energy Homeostasis

The Role of the Gut-Brain Axis in Metabolism and Energy Homeostasis

In this article, we will take a look at the role of the gut microbiota and the gut-brain axis in metabolism and energy homeostasis. We will learn how food-derived chemical signals—nutrients and microbial metabolites—are translated in the gut into endocrine and neural signals that convey information about the caloric load and composition of a meal to the brain.

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Handwriting Boosts Brain Connectivity More Than Typing Research Shows

Handwriting Boosts Brain Connectivity More Than Typing Research Shows

Following a study where university students' brain activity was recorded, researchers concluded that handwriting could enhance learning and memory.

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How Dark Chocolate May Support Cognitive Efficiency and Performance

How Dark Chocolate May Support Cognitive Efficiency and Performance

Fighting the afternoon slump? Studies show dark chocolate may be all you need to boost cognitive performance and concentration. 

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L-Theanine: Understanding Its Benefits & Origin

L-Theanine: Understanding Its Benefits & Origin

Learn the science behind using L-theanine as a natural way to support a calm state, mental clarity and relaxation.

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Reticular Activating System: How The Brain Manages Energy With Selective Focus

Reticular Activating System: How The Brain Manages Energy With Selective Focus

Everyone can benefit from acquiring a general understanding of our innate Reticular Activating System, as it is central to how, when, and why we focus on something.

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Technology for Neurohackers & Biohackers: Tools Designed to Upgrade the Mind, Brain and Body

Technology for Neurohackers & Biohackers: Tools Designed to Upgrade the Mind, Brain and Body

From air and water filters, to therapy lights, to exercise tools this list has a little of everything.

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What is Hordenine HCl? A Definition and 4 Benefits of this Nootropic Nutrient

What is Hordenine HCl? A Definition and 4 Benefits of this Nootropic Nutrient

Hordenine HCl brings some notable benefits to the table, which is a substantial reason for its rise in popularity among biohackers and neurohackers. Hordenine can be a fairly versatile nutrient that can bring substantial value to any nootropic stack, supporting human system function at an optimal level.

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Just Having Your Smartphone Nearby Might Be Changing Your Brain

Just Having Your Smartphone Nearby Might Be Changing Your Brain

A new study shows that just having your phone nearby can contribute to "brain drain," impacting your cognitive abilities. Learn why you should leave your phone in another room if you want to boost productivity. 

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How Short Breaks Spent in Nature Promote Executive Function in the Brain

How Short Breaks Spent in Nature Promote Executive Function in the Brain

Your brain is begging you to get outside today. Here's why.

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What is Vision?

What is Vision?

Vision is the process through which light stimuli received through the eyes are transformed into a mental image by the brain. It is our sense of sight. This process is accomplished by the visual system, the sensory system that enables vision, which includes the eyes—the sensory organ for vision—and the neuronal visual pathways of the brain, from the retinas to the cerebral cortex.

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Research Shows Your Brain Works Differently When You Take Breaks. Here’s Why.

Research Shows Your Brain Works Differently When You Take Breaks. Here’s Why.

A new study shows back-to-back meetings increase stress, but short breaks between meetings allows the brain to reset and relax. Here's what you need to know. 

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Inspirational Senior Living Facility Offers Hope for Dementia

Inspirational Senior Living Facility Offers Hope for Dementia

Dementia is one of the top causes of dependency and mental impairment in our elderly population. Dr. Heather Sandison was looking for residential care facilities where they were serving organic food and incorporating Dr. Bredesen’s insights for dementia patients, but couldn't find one. As a result, she founded one of the first residential care facilities where dementia patients can immerse themselves in the lifestyle described by Dr. Bredesen in his book “The End of Alzheimer’s”. Read on for a Q&A on the MARAMA experience. 

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7 Easy (And Free!) Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

7 Easy (And Free!) Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

A healthy vagal tone has become a heightened area of research within the scientific community. Thankfully, there are easy to implement, highly effective, science-backed ways to activate the power of your parasympathetic nervous system by stimulating your vagus nerve.

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