Qualia Night Reviews

Patrick S. - 2021-10-04
I had very high hopes for this product. As, it was recommended by a trusted friend. I’ve had sleep issues for most of my adult life. And have been searching everywhere for something, anything to help with just a little bit of improved sleep. I truly wish I could leave a positive review. But this did absolutely nothing for me sleep-wise. I took it as directed every evening for a month and noticed no significant improvement to my sleep. And, considering the cost, I not only wouldn’t buy it ag...Read more.
Maren M. - 2021-09-06
I wear an Oura ring and did not see any difference in any of my sleep markers while using Qualia night for one month as directed.
tanner V. - 2021-08-27
I just tried Qualia night for the first time. I took 4 capsules (at 8pm), hoping to have the best night of sleep of my life, & failed miserably. I’ve literally been up, wide awake, all night. It’s currently 4am, I have not gotten one minute of sleep & I have to go to work in 3 hours…gonna be a long day. Disappointed, to say the least.
Dina S. - 2021-08-12
This does not help me sleep. Seems to do the opposite. Same thing for my friend who tried it.
Francis R. - 2021-05-06
Did not do anything for me, my sleep was 100% the same as before, after a full 30 days.
phil h. - 2021-04-24
Not helping at all
Emily J. - 2021-04-13
For me the rating of 1 star is appropriate, but not because of poor product. I find that L-theanine prevents me from achieving deep sleep - don't understand that but have seen it with other products as well. I experimented with dosage but it is consistent no matter what. Any light you can shed on that would be appreciated. Thanks!
Sandy N. - 2021-03-31
I’m so disappointed in this product. It was expensive to start with. It upset my stomach so badly I almost had to throw up, and I only took 2, not the recommended dose of 4. I would not recommend this product
VALENTINE D. - 2021-03-22
Idk what I had a reaction to, but I couldn't sleep for 3 nights in a row when I tried this product. Going to need a refund. I love qualia mind though.
Daniel H. - 2021-03-03
I used this product a few times now and had to discontinue it. After the first night, I woke up with a terrible headache that would not go away and I also had worse sleep as it was interrupted with some disturbing vivid dreams. The headache lasted for almost 3 days. Perhaps I am more sensitive to some of the ingredients, but it was not a pleasant experience nonetheless.
Dan P. - 2021-02-17
No difference in sleep not worth the money
Ryan K. - 2021-02-15
Did not help me sleep or go to sleep. Very disappointed
Veronica S. - 2021-01-20
Haven’t noticed anything significant in first week of use. Not sure WHAT to expect. 🥺
Kathy L. - 2021-01-19
It wasn’t even close to a good night’s rest. I was very restless, frustrated and mad at my self for falling for yet another promise of better sleep.
Jordan O. - 2021-01-16
I was really hoping this was going to help, but I haven't noticed any difference. I have however noticed a difference with Qualia mind! I can't wait until grad school begins so I can really test it out.
Jack C. - 2020-12-13
The product does not work for me. It actually makes my brain more active at night and causes difficulty in sleeping. I am now only taking one capsule instead of four and I cannot tell whether it does anything. I shouldn't be surprised because most other sleep products have that effect on me.
Karla G. - 2020-11-19
I tried this and it made my sleep worse. Sleep supplements tend to have the opposite effect on me. I suspect the ashwagandha, but can't be sure because of all the ingredients. I would still recommend it to others, because it seems to work for a lot of people and it has a money-back guarantee, so give it a try.
Eve C. - 2020-10-05
Not work in my body. thanks
corinne h. - 2020-09-29
I have had great benefit from Qualia life but the Qualia Night did not imrpove sleep for me
Beth P. - 2020-09-01
The first night it had a wonderful effect of euphoria and lucid dreaming and I woke up feeling refreshed, rested and in a good mood. But the remaining four nights that I took it the euphoria and lucid dreaming did not happen and it left me feeling drained and somewhat irritable each morning; as if I had only gotten three or four hours of sleep each night but I slept a full eight hours each day that week.
After taking this product I am sleeping for approximately 10-12 hrs a day. After waking up I am feeling energetic but not for long. I tried to take a single tablet instead of recommended dosage still I am getting same result. Have to stop it midway only.
Eric H. - 2020-08-24
I stopped using Qualia because I don't sleep well and it caused a unique vibration that kept me awake all night (for weeks). I was excited to try Qualia Night, but after 4 days, even with low doses, it created the same sensation and kept me from sleeping. While Qualia helped cognition, I could not continue using it. Qualia night had no noticeable impact on cognition and did not allow me to sleep. I cannot recommend either product.
Jeff B. - 2020-08-11
I'm a big fan of Qualia. I have had good results with Qualia Mind and Qualia Life. I have been taking Qualia Night for about a month and I am not noticing an improvement in sleep quality. I do have more vivid dreams, but no noticeable difference otherwise.
Jaswinder K. - 2020-08-08
Did not help with sleep
Cristen C. - 2020-07-20
I have to say it’s hard for me to remember to take it so early on at dinner. But I also haven’t seen a difference in my sleep. I am going to continue because maybe my body needs time to adjust to it.