Collective Insights Blog

What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

Neuroplasticity, the nervous system's adaptive capabilities to change itself over a lifetime, is a fascinating subject. This and many other aspects of cognitive function inspired our science team formulate Qualia Mind, and provide the most broad support for human brain health in a once-a-day vegan formula. The science behind neuroplasticity, and the role environment and behavior plays in it, warrant a closer look, so we can support the biochemical processes that drive neurogenesis.

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What’s the Difference? Comparing the Benefits of Citicoline and Alpha GPC

What’s the Difference? Comparing the Benefits of Citicoline and Alpha GPC

As people grow more concerned about caring for their bodies, a greater emphasis has been placed on caring for the brain. The brain, after all, acts as the control center for the rest of the body. If something malfunctions at the level of the nervous system, chances are it will affect many other systems as well. One of the most important chemicals for maintaining proper brain function is choline.

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