Collective Insights Blog

Is Fasting Good for You? Q&A on Fasting

In our earlier articles in our guide to fasting series (How to Fast, What to Expect While Intermittent Fasting, and Anti-Aging Benefits) you learned the science behind fasting, the underlying mechanisms that provide benefits, and how to start. In Is Fasting Good for You? Q&A on Fasting we focus on five of the most pressing questions we believe members of the Qualia community are interested in learning.

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What to Expect While Intermittent Fasting

In What to Expect While Fasting we explore how some biohackers are using traditional caloric restriction, some of the purported benefits, and what you can expect. This provides more in-depth context for fasting and how you might be able to apply it in your life.

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How To Intermittent Fast: An Exploration of Fasting Protocols

During the season of holiday feasts, the Qualia team and community seem compelled to explore fasting benefits. In this article we approach the big picture of fasting and historical background of the early research. Even though the benefits of fasting have been studied for over a hundred years, traditional calorie restriction of decreasing calories by 15 - 40% has not been sustainable long-term.

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