Collective Insights Blog by Sara Adães, Ph.D.

Coffee Lovers Rejoice: Your Coffee Experience Enhances Brain Readiness

Coffee Lovers Rejoice: Your Coffee Experience Enhances Brain Readiness

Discover how you daily cup of coffee alters brain connectivity, providing a deeper understanding of caffeine's nootropic effects.

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Is Your Daily Coffee Run The Key to a Healthier Heart and Longevity?

Is Your Daily Coffee Run The Key to a Healthier Heart and Longevity?

Good news. Your daily coffee run may help you live longer and contribute to heart health. Drink up!

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Nootropics: Research, Benefits, and Types

Nootropics: Research, Benefits, and Types

Everything you need to know about the latest research to support nootropics and list of the best studied nootropics for focus, memory, and drive.

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Top Healthy Aging Foods

Top Healthy Aging Foods

Load your plate up with these ten research-backed foods that support healthy aging. Your older self will thank you. 

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How Dark Chocolate May Support Cognitive Efficiency and Performance

How Dark Chocolate May Support Cognitive Efficiency and Performance

Fighting the afternoon slump? Studies show dark chocolate may be all you need to boost cognitive performance and concentration. 

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What is Mental Energy & How to Support It

What is Mental Energy & How to Support It

Mental energy is important because it is essential for cognitive performance. Read on to better understand what mental energy is and seven research-backed ways to support it. 

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How Short Breaks Spent in Nature Promote Executive Function in the Brain

How Short Breaks Spent in Nature Promote Executive Function in the Brain

Your brain is begging you to get outside today. Here's why.

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Top Mitochondrial Health Supplements

Top Mitochondrial Health Supplements

Mitochondrial health is a key component in healthy aging. Here are key mitochondrial supplements and lifestyle behaviors linked to supporting mitochondrial function.

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The Top 7 NAD+ Benefits

The Top 7 NAD+ Benefits

NAD+ plays an essential role in the body and can support brain health, healthy aging, and more. Here are the seven of the top NAD + benefits and tips for naturally boosting NAD+ levels.

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What is NAD+? Everything You Need to Know

What is NAD+? Everything You Need to Know

Learn what NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is and why it's vital for healthy and longevity.

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How to Promote Deep Sleep and Working Memory With Yoga Nidra

How to Promote Deep Sleep and Working Memory With Yoga Nidra

The what and how of promoting deep sleep and working memory with Yoga Nidra. 

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Sleep Tips: How and When to View Light to Get Better Sleep

Sleep Tips: How and When to View Light to Get Better Sleep

Optimize your sleep patterns by understanding the direct influence of our exposure to light throughout the day on sleep rhythms. 

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Biological Age - What Does It Mean?

Biological Age - What Does It Mean?

We all age, but at different rates. Learn about your biological vs chronological age, and four ways to improve your biological age. 

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What Are Senolytics? The Science and Benefits

What Are Senolytics? The Science and Benefits

What are senolytics? Learn the latest science to support senolytics and how the ongoing research behind senolytics may revolutionize health and longevity as we know it. 

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Try This Proven Breathing Exercise to Improve The Quality of Your Sleep

Try This Proven Breathing Exercise to Improve The Quality of Your Sleep

A recent sleep study showed that continuous paced breathing is a simple method to improve relaxation and promote better sleep. Here’s what you need to know.

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Nicotinamide - Longevity Benefits and Uses

Nicotinamide - Longevity Benefits and Uses

NAD+ is a central molecule of cellular function and metabolism that serves many fundamental functions in the human body, particularly in cellular energy production. Learn the benefits of nicotinamide and how it supports general health and healthy aging.

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Are The Natural Senolytic Compounds in Food Enough to Experience Senolytic Benefits?

Are The Natural Senolytic Compounds in Food Enough to Experience Senolytic Benefits?

Can natural senolytic compounds found in food really provide you with the known longevity benefits associated with senolytics? The answer may surprise you. 

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Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Stuck at a desk all day? Studies show just one minute of squatting exercises may help beat brain fatigue and boost mental energy.

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Senescence: What Are Senolytics

Senescence: What Are Senolytics

Cellular senescence is one of the main contributors to the aging process and has a significant impact on healthspan. Read on to better understand the concept of cellular senescence and the evolving field of senolytics.

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NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

There's a lot of talk about NMN and NR (precursors for NAD+) within the longevity space. Learn the differences between NMN and NR and which one is right for you. 

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How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

Can scents really impact cognitive performance? Discover the intriguing link between incorporating a nightly aromatherapy and its impact on cognitive performance, assessed through a standard memory test.

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Cutting-Edge Science: Is More Sleep The New Secret Sauce to Weight Loss?

Cutting-Edge Science: Is More Sleep The New Secret Sauce to Weight Loss?

Could getting more sleep help you lose weight? A 2022 study set out to answer that question. Here’s what you need to know.

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How Psychobiotics Support the Gut-Brain Connection

How Psychobiotics Support the Gut-Brain Connection

Psychobiotics are probiotics and prebiotics for the brain. But can psychobiotics really influence cognition, stress responses, mood, and emotional regulation? Read to learn more. 

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Brain Fog Taking Over Your Life? 5 Reasons Why According to a Neuroscientist

Brain Fog Taking Over Your Life? 5 Reasons Why According to a Neuroscientist

Brain fog is not a medical condition; it’s a clue that suggests there may be something interfering with your mental performance. Here are five factors that contribute to brain fog, according to a neuroscientist.

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Reticular Activating System: How The Brain Manages Energy With Selective Focus

Reticular Activating System: How The Brain Manages Energy With Selective Focus

Everyone can benefit from acquiring a general understanding of our innate Reticular Activating System, as it is central to how, when, and why we focus on something.

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