Collective Insights Blog

Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do brain supplements actually work? What do studies show? Learn the truth about nootropics and how they can enhance your everyday life.

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NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

There's a lot of talk about NMN and NR (precursors for NAD+) within the longevity space. Learn the differences between NMN and NR and which one is right for you. 

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Longevity and Epigenetics: Expert Biohacking Tips to Boost Healthspan - An Interview With Nathalie Niddam

Longevity and Epigenetics: Expert Biohacking Tips to Boost Healthspan - An Interview With Nathalie Niddam

With a keen focus on actionable biohacking and data-driven healthtech, this transcript from our Collective Insights episode with Nathalie Niddam is a treasure trove of the latest biohacking tech and tips to boost healthspan.

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Longevity Ingredient Spotlight: Fisetin Benefits

Longevity Ingredient Spotlight: Fisetin Benefits

Explore the science-backed benefits of the senolytic fisetin and how to use it to boost longevity.

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Fear of People's Opinions: How to Overcome The Greatest Constrictor of Human Potential - An Interview With Dr. Michael Gervais

Fear of People's Opinions: How to Overcome The Greatest Constrictor of Human Potential - An Interview With Dr. Michael Gervais

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Michael Gervais, one of the world's top high-performance psychologists and leading experts on the relationship between the mind and human performance. Today we discuss overcoming what may be the single greatest constrictor of human potential: our fear of people’s opinions (FOPO).

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How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

How Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils May Boost Cognitive Capacity

Can scents really impact cognitive performance? Discover the intriguing link between incorporating a nightly aromatherapy and its impact on cognitive performance, assessed through a standard memory test.

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Why Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Your Health and Happiness - An Interview With Alanna Collen

Why Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Your Health and Happiness - An Interview With Alanna Collen

Discover how our bodies are teeming with trillions of microbes that play a pivotal role in shaping our health, immunity, mental health, and even weight regulation.

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Brain Matters: How to Unlock Your Neuropotential With Neurofeedback - An Interview With Dr. Andrew Hill

Brain Matters: How to Unlock Your Neuropotential With Neurofeedback - An Interview With Dr. Andrew Hill

What follows is a transcript for a Collective Insights episode with Dr. Andrew Hill where we explored the incredible benefits associated with neurofeedback, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving focus and memory retention.

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Qualia NAD+ Ingredients

Qualia NAD+ Ingredients

Qualia NAD+ is designed to provide support for optimizing NAD+ levels in adults, regardless of age. Here's an in-depth look at the ingredients we chose for the formulation.

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Zombie Cells: Everything You Need To Know

Zombie Cells: Everything You Need To Know

What exactly are "zombie" cells? Does fasting get rid of zombie cells? Here's everything you need to know about removing senescent cells from the body for optimal health.

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How Dysbiosis, Toxicity, and Underlying Infection Affect Brain Function and Chronic Illness - An Interview With Dr. Nafysa Parpia

How Dysbiosis, Toxicity, and Underlying Infection Affect Brain Function and Chronic Illness - An Interview With Dr. Nafysa Parpia

What follows is a transcript for a Collective Insights encore episode where Daniel Schmactenberger and Dr. Nafysa Parpia explored how gut dysbiosis, toxicity, and underlying infection affect brain function and chronic illness.

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How Personalized Lifestyle Interventions are Revolutionizing Dementia Care and Treatment - An Interview With Dr. Heather Sandison

How Personalized Lifestyle Interventions are Revolutionizing Dementia Care and Treatment - An Interview With Dr. Heather Sandison

What follows is a transcript for a Collective Insights episode where Dr. Heather Sandison shared the latest research on lifestyle interventions proven to slow cognitive decline, shattering common misconceptions about Alzheimer's and providing key insights to keeping our brain sharp at any age.

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The Fascinating Power of the Gut-Brain Axis to Influence Health and Mood - An Interview With The Qualia Science Team

The Fascinating Power of the Gut-Brain Axis to Influence Health and Mood - An Interview With The Qualia Science Team

What follows is a transcript where we explored the fascinating power of the gut-brain axis and its influence on our health and mood.

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Marvels of Cellular Communication: The Secret Language of Your Cells- An Interview With Dr. Jon Lieff

Marvels of Cellular Communication: The Secret Language of Your Cells- An Interview With Dr. Jon Lieff

What follows is a transcript from a discussion with Dr. Jon Lieff, where we explore the captivating journey into the inner workings of cells and reveals their hidden language.

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Cutting-Edge Science: Is More Sleep The New Secret Sauce to Weight Loss?

Cutting-Edge Science: Is More Sleep The New Secret Sauce to Weight Loss?

Could getting more sleep help you lose weight? A 2022 study set out to answer that question. Here’s what you need to know.

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How Flow Science is Making Us Rethink Everything We Know About Aging - An Interview With Steven Kotler

How Flow Science is Making Us Rethink Everything We Know About Aging - An Interview With Steven Kotler

What follows is a transcript from our podcast with Steven Kotler where he fearlessly challenges long-standing myths surrounding aging.

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Synbiotic - Qualia Science Team - Gut Brain

Synbiotic - Qualia Science Team - Gut Brain

Listen in as the Qualia Science Team is here to explore the fascinating power of the gut-brain axis and its influence on our health and mood.

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Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

New studies show magnesium supplementation can help maintain healthy brain volume and cognition. Here's what you need to know. 

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Systems Thinking: Why We Need to Upgrade Our Collective Consciousness - An Interview With Tomas Bjorkman

Systems Thinking: Why We Need to Upgrade Our Collective Consciousness - An Interview With Tomas Bjorkman

What follows is a transcript from a thought-provoking episode with Tomas Bjorkman about where the intersection of spirituality, economics, and personal growth, sheds light on the potential for positive change in our society.

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How Early Life Experiences Profoundly Impact the Gut-Brain Dialogue - An Interview With Dr. Emeran Mayer

How Early Life Experiences Profoundly Impact the Gut-Brain Dialogue - An Interview With Dr. Emeran Mayer

What follows is a transcript for a discussion with world-renowned gastroenterologist, neuroscientist, and best-selling author of The Mind Gut Connection and The Gut Immune Connection, Dr. Emeran Mayer.

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The Hungry Brain: How and Why Your Brain is Undermining Your Weight Goals - An Interview With Dr. Stephan Guyenet

The Hungry Brain: How and Why Your Brain is Undermining Your Weight Goals - An Interview With Dr. Stephan Guyenet

What follows is a transcript from a Collective Insights episode with Dr. Stephen Guyenet about the neuroscience of food behavior and weight loss.

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Qualia Synbiotic Ingredients

Qualia Synbiotic Ingredients

Learn about the ingredients in our all-in-one gut performance support, Qualia Synbiotic.

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4 Quadrants That Affect Consciousness and Humanity as We Know It - An Interview With Ken Wilber

4 Quadrants That Affect Consciousness and Humanity as We Know It - An Interview With Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber provides valuable insights on integral approaches to heal individual physiology and psychology.

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Qualia Life 2.0 - What Changed? How’s It Different?

Qualia Life 2.0 - What Changed? How’s It Different?

We think you are going to be as excited about this upgrade to Qualia Life as we are. Here’s what’s changed and why.

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Brain Energy: Why We Need to Rethink Popular Views of Mental Disorders - An Interview With Dr. Chris Palmer

Brain Energy: Why We Need to Rethink Popular Views of Mental Disorders - An Interview With Dr. Chris Palmer

What follows is a transcript from our discussion with Dr. Chris Palmer on the neuroscience linking mental disorders to a metabolic disorder of the brain, shedding new light on how our brains function and the potential for innovative, whole systems treatments for mental disorders.

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